In Victorian times the public would gather fresh manure and apply
to their cuts and sores and any other infected areas. This is because of the high vitamin content in the manure due to the
speed of a horses digestive metabolic rate.
Unlike laser treatment, operations, and powerful prescription drugs
that are available today, they had to find their own cures. These medicines were not only used to keep them well but their
animals too. They used any plant they could find, the juices from fruit and sometimes insects. The conventional methods that
are used today all hold some sort of risk, may it be the after affects of drug treatment, an allergic reaction to some tablets
or cream or maybe an operation.
(Piggy Potions) Peter Gurney is an expert on guinea pigs and he
believes that herbal remedies do work. In his book he commented that conventional therapies suppress the symptoms without
curing the disease; this would inevitably return, therefore making the use of more powerful drugs needed. This could cause
the animal to become immune to the drug after a while and could suffer the side affects. He suggests using quite a lot of
remedies, which can be found around your home and garden and a lot of tender, loving, care would help the animal mentally
to become well physically. These items include olive oil for ear problems, Dandelions for constipation, vitamin C such as
carrots and tomatoes for Scurvy. Lavender can also be used for skin problems and honey can be given to enhance the animals
energy source.
There are several advantages and disadvantages to
using alternative treatments on animals. Some of these may vary between the animals of which they are used on. I have composed
a list of advantages and disadvantages of why alternative methods are good and bad.
remedy can be given all the time without affecting the animal
They dont suffer the after affects of conventional medicines
There isnt a health risk behind any of the herbal remedies
They work as well as conventional methods, sometimes better
They can be used as well as conventional methods
They can be found in your own garden
A number of problems can
be cured with just one tablet
Some of the methods can be healing physically and mentally
Some conventional medicines
treat the cause not the symptoms, where as herbal remedies will treat both
cant be relied on to heal an animal
Herbal remedies cannot repair bones
They can be difficult to obtain
If you
order products such as Oil of Evening Primrose, which apparently work well it can be quite expensive
The aloe Vera drink
that I buy for myself lasts a month and is £5.99 for 540ml
The aloe Vera drink that I buy for the animals also lasts a
month and is £7.99 and is 1000ml
Sometimes they can be unappealing to taste
Herbal remedies such as Aloe Vera can be used as much as possible and it will not affect the system. It can be used as a medicating
gel for cuts and grazes, burns both steam and contact and sunburn. It soothes and cools the skin and can be applied as much
as you want. There also is an Aloe Vera drink available, which also can be used as much as you want. The gel, which can be
found in the plant, is processed with other ingredients such as preservatives, citric acid and natural cranberry flavouring.
I have been drinking this for about a month now and am feeling a lot better in myself. I still get the odd stomach upset but
its not as painful or severe. Well, the drink cant really cure everything.
Although there are different flavours are available the cranberry is
the most appetising for people but it may not be for animals. I use the natural flavour for my animals, which includes, 24
guinea pigs, a rabbit, 2 chinchillas and 2 cats. I have lost three of my guinea pigs from diarrhoea and when I was told about
the drink, which is available, I bought some straight away. It is designed to flush out the system of all its impurities.
These impurities are a problem in guinea pigs as when they have an upset stomach it can be fatal. So to prevent this from
happening again I used the drink and havent had any problems since.
Personally I think that herbal remedies do work and should be used more in todays society. Some people will swear by herbal
remedies such as my mother who uses oil of evening primrose and cod liver oil for her back pain. Although it doesnt take away
all the pain it does soothe it and make her joints and skin a lot more supple and slender. This therefore limits the amount
of pain when she bends and moves.
I think that the homeopathic remedies used for mental problems such
as Aconite and Argent do work. These two remedies I have used and recommended to my sister. She recently lost her kitten to
a road accident and rather than going to her doctor and obtaining some stronger anti-depressants I suggested using Aconite.
It is supposed to be a calming tablet for when you are anxious, stressed and suffering guilt from a loss of someone you love.
After taking three doses of tablets, which was 2 an hour, she felt a lot better. Obviously it didnt cure her or bring back
the kitten but it calmed her down a lot and helped her sleep.
My partner and I also used Argent when going on holiday. We were quite
nervous about the plane journey, which was strange as I have never been nervous before and I have been traveling since I was
5 years old. It seemed to work for Matthew my partner but it wasnt that effective for me. It did calm be down a bit but not
as much as I wanted. My mother uses a claming tablet, which is also homeopathic remedy specifically for plane flights, this
also contains Argent.
I believe that homeopathic remedies vary between people. Some rely on
them as their main source of medication and have never been to see a doctor in their life. Others use these remedies for problems
such as colds, aches and pains, headaches and skin problems.
As I have stated before I use the Aloe Vera gel on sunburn,
cuts and grazes and burns.
On the other hand I do believe than doctors can work miracles today
with all the technology that is available. People can have brain surgery, spinal surgery, reattaching limbs and I know that
there is no natural remedy or therapy in the world that can do these things. So although some of the remedies that doctors
give us can harm us in different ways they can work towards our benefit a lot better than natural remedies.
Thank you to Peter Gurney on his information on Alternative Remedies.
This information was taken from Piggy Potions, by
Peter Gurney, published in 2000